3 Clever Ways To Use Up Yard Trimmings And Clippings – For a Zero-Waste Garden (2024)

Reducing yard waste should be a major priority for all gardeners. Every year, an estimated 10.5 million tons of trimmings and clippings are sent to landfill, rather than being composted.

When this organic material is mixed with other waste it can break down and produce harmful gases that are bad news for the environment. What’s more, many gardeners often dispose of their yard waste in plastic bags.

However, most of the trimmings from trees and shrubs, as well as grass clippings from the lawn, can be reused throughout the landscape.

Not only is this more sustainable and beneficial to the biodiversity of your yard, but it can save you money on purchasing mulch and compost.

If you don't currently have a compost heap, then that’s an excellent place to start. However, if you’re looking to take your sustainable gardening to the next level, then these tips will go towards growing a no-waste garden.

The exception to reusing trimmings is where plants are diseased – this material should be disposed of, or burned.

1. Create a Hugelkultur raised bed

(Image credit: Getty Images)

If you have plenty of branches and logs in the garden, then use them as the basis of a raised bed for growing edibles or flowers.

Raised beds can be expensive to fill if you buy new bags of soil and compost. However, this cost can be dramatically reduced by utilizing the Hugelkultur system, which is a traditional eastern European gardening method that layers up woody materials and other organic debris.

Over time, the matter breaks down to create a fertile, moist, but well-draining growing medium. In tests, vegetables cultivated in Hugelkultur beds grew bigger and were more productive. The beds are usually warmer than traditional raised beds, too, allowing you to get a head start on the growing season.

To make a Hugelkultur raised bed, you need to cut out a 1 foot (30 cm) deep trench. This can be whatever size you want your bed to be, although around 4 foot wide (120cm) should be narrow enough for you to reach the center. Fill the hole with logs, twigs, and branches, going up to the rim of your hole. Give these a thorough watering.

Next, add some of the turf that you dug out the planting hole, grass clippings, leaves, and other organic matter, such as manure. You can also add kitchen scraps, newspaper, and straw. Layer this up like a lasagna and pack it in firmly. You are aiming for the bed to be around 2-3 feet (60-90cm) high.

Finally, top off the bed with 2-3 inches (5-8cm) of topsoil and a layer of mulch, then give it a thorough watering.

The logs and branches will become spongy as they decompose and soak up a lot of water. This means that the bed won’t require a lot of watering in the future.

It will take around 4-6 months before your Hugelkultur bed is ready for planting and you can reap the rewards of a bountiful harvest.

2. Make organic mulch

3 Clever Ways To Use Up Yard Trimmings And Clippings – For a Zero-Waste Garden (2)

(Image credit: Getty Images)

There are numerous types of mulch that you can make using garden waste. Mulch adds nutrients to the soil, helps to retain moisture, insulates against cold weather, and also keeps down weeds.

Matchstick mulch uses the stems of herbaceous perennials and ornamental grasses to create a nutritious organic addition to your beds. Simply cut the stems into matchstick-length pieces using hand shears, and then spread these around your plants.

Wood chip mulch is useful where you have a lot of logs and access to a wood chipper – if not, you could consider renting one. As well as mulch, wood chips can be used to make informal paths.

Leaf mulch is easy to make using a lawn mower. Most gardens have a pile up of leaves in their garden during fall and winter, and they are filled with nutrients that can benefit the soil. It’s best to dry the leaves before shredding them, but you can also use leaves after the season that have been moist and developed into leaf mold. Spread your leaf mulch around 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5cm) thick over perennial beds.

Grass mulch enables your grass clippings to be recycled back down into the lawn –also known as grasscycling. The easiest way to do this is to use a mulching lawn mower, which will finely shred the blades and distribute them into the grass. However, as long as you do not cut off too much grass at any one time, you can use a regular mower with the collection box removed. Clippings shorter than 1 inch (2.5cm) will quickly break down into the soil. Longer clippings can be collected and either used as mulch around established plants, or dug into the soil.

3. Build a home for wildlife

3 Clever Ways To Use Up Yard Trimmings And Clippings – For a Zero-Waste Garden (3)

(Image credit: Getty Images)

A pile of logs, sticks, and dried, hollow plant stems makes a wonderful home for creepy crawlies. Add structure with bricks and old terracotta pots, include some pinecones, and stuff in dried leaves between the gaps.

Once the wood starts to break down, your bug hotel will be teeming with minibeasts – which will be a draw for other beneficial wildlife.

A bug hotel might not be the most glamorous addition to the garden, but it will help to promote biodiversity and support local wildlife.

3 Clever Ways To Use Up Yard Trimmings And Clippings – For a Zero-Waste Garden (2024)


3 Clever Ways To Use Up Yard Trimmings And Clippings – For a Zero-Waste Garden? ›

Lawn clippings usually do not need to be bagged. Recycling lawn clippings can reduce your fertilizer needs and improve your soil. Recycling clippings to the lawn does not contribute to thatch. If you must remove clippings, they can be composted or used as mulch.

What to do with leftover grass clippings? ›

Lawn clippings usually do not need to be bagged. Recycling lawn clippings can reduce your fertilizer needs and improve your soil. Recycling clippings to the lawn does not contribute to thatch. If you must remove clippings, they can be composted or used as mulch.

What is zero waste gardening? ›

Here are just a few ways gardening reduces waste:

Less or no packaging: Your garden food comes unwrapped. Less transport: The closer to the kitchen the better. Less energy for refrigeration. Repurposing: You can make your own planters, seed trays, and tools.

Is it okay to put grass clippings in the vegetable garden? ›

In the short term, a layer of grass clippings also acts as a mulch, cooling the soil, slowing the loss of moisture, and holding down the germination of new weeds. When used correctly, grass clippings can serve as a great mulch for your vegetable garden.

How to turn grass clippings into compost? ›

To compost grass clippings traditionally in a pile or bin:

Add dry grass that hasn't been treated in the last 14 days to your compost pile. For the correct 30:1 carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, mix about 50% grass clippings and 50% brown material, like brown leaves, branches or newspaper.

How to turn grass clippings into soil? ›

Layer one: Spread coarse plant material, such as twigs and branches. Layer two: Add 6-10 inches of fine plant material, such as dry leaves, fresh grass clippings, and kitchen scraps. Layer three: Put 1 inch of soil or manure. Repeat layers two and three until the compost pile is about 5 feet tall.

Does putting grass clippings on bare spots help grass grow? ›

Yes, using grass clippings as mulch can help with bare spots in your lawn. Grass clippings provide a layer of organic material that helps retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil structure. However, it's important to apply a thin layer of grass clippings to avoid smothering the existing grass.

How can we use waste in the garden? ›

How to use kitchen waste in the garden – 9 sustainable ideas
  1. Save banana peels to use as fertilizer. ...
  2. Use cooking water to hydrate plants. ...
  3. Scatter crushed eggshells onto the soil. ...
  4. Add paper towels to the compost pile. ...
  5. Keep used coffee grounds to boost the soil. ...
  6. Save tea leaves, too. ...
  7. Use onion peel to make plant fertilizer.
Mar 24, 2024

How do you break down garden waste? ›

We would always recommend using a compost bin, but if you can't buy a compost bin, you can create an open compost pile for garden waste only. Remember not to add food waste to an open compost pile as this can attract vermin and avoid using paper or card as they can become a litter problem.

What is a dirt free method of gardening? ›

One of the methods that people know about is hydroponics, which grows plants in a liquid solution without the use of soil. The other is called hydroculture, and that is similar but also very different at a fundamental level.

Do grass clippings help tomato plants? ›

Answer: Several organic materials can be used as a mulch around tomato plants. Suitable mulching materials include: Dry grass clippings (Do not collect grass clippings from lawns that have been treated with a broadleaf herbicide until the lawn has been mowed at least 2 or 3 times after the herbicide application.

Can I mix grass clippings with garden soil? ›

Grass clippings can be used as a beneficial organic matter and nutrient source when composted or mixed into garden soil. However, avoid adding thick layers of fresh grass clippings directly to your garden soil, as they can compact and become slimy.

How to dry out grass clippings? ›

Let clippings dry and brown completely before spreading them in the garden. This prevents matting, reduces heat buildup during decomposition, and gives weed seeds time to die. (A tip: Spread clippings in a thin layer on a tarp or concrete driveway. After one to two weeks, they should be ready to use as mulch.)

Are dried grass clippings green or brown? ›

First, know that a healthy compost pile requires a mix of dry, carbon-rich "brown" items (e.g. dry leaves and grasses, newspaper, dead plant clippings, wood branches, hay, straw, sawdust, and pine needles) and wet, nitrogen-rich "green" items (e.g. grass clippings, food scraps, coffee grounds, tea bags, and fresh ...

How long does it take for grass clippings to decompose? ›

A well-managed compost pile with shredded materials under warm conditions usually will be ready in one to four months. But if a pile or bin is left unattended and material is not shredded, the pile may take a year or longer to decompose.

How do you make liquid fertilizer from grass clippings? ›

To make it, I put one cup of processed poultry manure or blended organic fertilizer into a pail along with a few handfuls or grass clippings or chopped comfrey or stinging nettle leaves. Then I fill the pail with a gallon or so of water, stir well, and place it in the shade covered with an old towel.

How to keep grass clippings out of mulch? ›

There are different types of edging materials that can be used to create an edge like edging stone or steel edging. Or, you might even have an edge cut into your plant beds for a more natural look. One product that we'd advise against is the cheap plastic edging that you can pick up at the local hardware store.

Can you reuse dead grass? ›

Don't Toss Them – Reuse Them

Leftover grass clippings can be an eyesore, but they're an excellent source of nutrients for your soil.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.