Cinder Block Garden: List Of Plants That Grow Well In Cinder Blocks (2024)

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When it comes to making a raised garden bed there are a lot of options you can choose from. Wood, bricks, and stones are all quite common in making raised beds.

In this post, however, we will discuss a very cheap but attractive option. The thing we are talking about here is called cinder blocks.

Cinder blocks are a cheap and durable building material that can be used to create a variety of gardening structures.

Cinder blocks are filled with holes that allow for proper drainage of water, which is important for plants. Best of all, they can be easily customized to fit any space.

Seems interesting? Keep on reading we have just started.

What are cinder blocks?

Cinder blocks are a common construction material made from concrete and cinder. They are used to create walls, foundations, and other structures. Cinder blocks are often painted or covered with stucco to improve their appearance.

Cinder blocks can also be used for gardening to create raised beds.

Cinder blocks vs Concrete blocks:

Although people use both the term interchangeably there is a subtle difference between them.

Initially, cinder blocks were commonly made from ash, and that’s where the term comes from. But now, cinder blocks are mainly made out of concrete. True cinder blocks are pretty rare.

So when we talk about cinder blocks we actually mean concrete blocks. This is very important as true cinder blocks can leach chemicals into the soil, so it is not a recommendable product to use for growing plants.

Current cinder blocks or concrete blocks don’t have these problems and are totally safe to use in the garden.

So please remember, whenever in this post we talk about conder blocks we actually mean concrete blocks.

Benefits of cinder block gardening:

Cinder block gardening is a great way to garden if you have limited space or if you live in an apartment. You can grow vegetables, fruits, and flowers in cinder blocks.

Here are some of the benefits of using cinder blocks in the garden:

Cinder blocks are inexpensive:

Depending on the size of the blocks, you can find cinder blocks as low as a few dollars. And the savings becomes even larger when you consider that you don’t have to spend anything on maintenance for the rest of your life.

Easy Availability:

They are also easily available in any part of the world, so you can likely find them at a local hardware store.

Highly customizable:

Cinder blocks are highly customizable. You can easily raise the height of your garden beds just by stacking those blocks. This can be very difficult for materials like wood.

You can also use cinder blocks as containers, creating borders in landscape or steps.


Cinder blocks are highly durable and can last for many years when used in the garden. Unlike wood, you won’t have to worry about rotting or degrading materials anymore.

How to Build a Cinder Block Garden:

Here is a simple 5 step guide to building a DIY cinder block garden:

  1. Do A Measurement of The Garden Area:

First, measure the area where you will set up your raised bed. This is very important because everything like the size, shape, and cost will depend on the exact area of the plot.

  1. Remove Any Weed or Grass From The Topsoil:

This step is optional. So you can choose to skip it also. Blocks will eventually settle down on the grass, but you can remove the grass to speed up the process.

Now put down a thick layer of cardboard on top of the grass so it doesn’t grow into the beds. You can also use a thick layer of newspaper, in place of cardboard.

  1. Lay The Cinder Blocks:

Lay out your cinder blocks to make sure everything fits into the space you have planned. Remember to keep the holes facing up. It will increase your total gardening space. Now you can also fill the holes with soil.

You can easily increase the height of your raised beds by simply increasing the layers of the blocks.

Please use gloves while laying the blocks they are quite heavy.

  1. Fill Up The Space With Soil:

Now, you can fill up the space with the growing soil. Don’t forget to fill up the concrete holes also, so that you can grow plants in them. If you don’t like to grow plants in those holes you can also use rocks or normal garden soil.

use a wheelbarrow to quickly transfer the soil to your raised bed.

  • 5. Start Planting:

Your cinder block raised bed is now ready to use. Start planting.

Plants that work well in a cinder block garden:

Cinder block gardens are ideal for growing these plants because the blocks retain heat and moisture well, which helps the plants to grow quickly and produce a high yield.

There are many plants that work well in a cinder block garden, but some of the best ones are:

  • Radishes
  • Carrots
  • Lettuces
  • Tomatoes
  • Onions
  • Micro-greens
  • Spinach
  • Scallions
  • Other leafy greens
  • Flowers (many varieties)

Plants to avoid:

Larger plants such as Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, eggplant, melon, pumpkin, squash, etc don’t do well in cinder blocks. Also avoid plants like lavender, lemongrass, and sage as they will need more space to grow fully.

Avoid invasive plants like mint or it will spread to other plants in your garden.


In conclusion, cinder blocks are an affordable and versatile option for gardening. They can be used to create raised beds, planters, and even walls. Cinder blocks are also durable and easy to maintain.

Cinder block gardening is a great way to garden if you have a limited amount of space. They are inexpensive and easy to find, and they make gardening easy and fun.

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Cinder Block Garden: List Of Plants That Grow Well In Cinder Blocks (1)


Hi there! My name is Prasenjit and I’m an avid gardener and someone who has grown a passion for growing plants. From my hands-on experience, I have learned what works and what doesn’t. Here I share everything I have learned.

Cinder Block Garden: List Of Plants That Grow Well In Cinder Blocks (2024)


What plants grow well in cinder blocks? ›

I planted each of these cloves in its own cinder-block hole. Each one will grow into a full bulb. I also planted two bunches of basil, two bunches of cilantro and one bunch of oregano. Each of these grows in its own cinder-block hole as well.

Can I grow vegetables in cinder blocks? ›

Stay away from old-fashioned cinder blocks, which may contain heavy metals—not a good thing for food gardens. Second, a concrete block bed can affect your soil's pH, making it more alkaline, so it's not good for growing acid-loving plants like blueberries.

Can plants grow in cinder? ›

Potting mix cinder can use is place of perlite, Rose plant Cinder uses for soil less planting Roses, Adenium , cactus and succulents plants. Successful Rosarian peoples are used for potting mix cinder.

How many cinder blocks do I need for a raised garden? ›

20 blocks will give an interior bed area of 4′ x 8′. Leave a side open to bring in the soil until the new bed is filled. No mortar or special installation is necessary unless you desire a bed which is higher than 8″ raised over the surrounding area. Just set them on the ground!

What herbs can you grow in cinder blocks? ›

Sage, basil, and dill in corner tiles, and will fill in the others with different types of thyme, oregano, and others. I planted some smaller cinder block holes with marigold seeds as many insect pest don't like them, and calendula flowers as an edible flower.

Is it safe to use cinder blocks for gardening? ›

Cinder blocks haven't been mass produced with fly ash in the U.S. for 50 years, though. The cinder blocks that you buy in the store today are actually concrete blocks and totally safe. Unless you're using antique cinder blocks, there should be no reason to worry, especially when cinder block gardening for vegetables.

How do you landscape with cinder blocks? ›

Create a Tiered Cinder Block Garden

Use several different sizes of blocks. stack them into a tier or pyramid formation, and fill them with your favorite selection of ornamental grasses, trailing vines, and flowering plants.

Can you make a raised garden with concrete blocks? ›

I wanted to be able to continue gardening, despite my disabilities, so my sister and I designed these tall raised beds made from concrete blocks. These awesome beds are not only easy to work in, but they have also proven to be incredibly productive.

Can you plant marigolds in cinder blocks? ›

Here are some choices for quick and easy plantings right inside those cinder block openings: Marigolds (good for keeping out insects and other garden pests)1. Herbs. Strawberries.

Can I plant sunflowers in cinder blocks? ›

I planted sunflower seeds in each of the cinder block openings, and they grew, and grew, and GREW!

Can you grow tomatoes in cinder blocks? ›

Q: This is amazing! Check out these tomatoes growing in cinderblocks. A: Looks like the gardener put small plants into the compost-filled holes in the cinderblocks and the plants grew roots down into the soil underneath. Nice job!

Can you use cinder blocks as planters? ›

I decided to place most of the cement blocks with the holes facing up, instead of on edge, as I had the idea to fill them with soil and plant in them. I wasn't sure how much the plants would like this arrangement, but it turns out that I picked the right type of plant and it worked out very well!

What goes on the bottom of a raised garden bed? ›

Best Soil for Raised Garden Beds

We recommend buying high-quality, nutrient-rich soil in bulk. Or, you can make a soil mix with equal parts topsoil, organic materials (leaves, composted manure, ground bark), and coarse sand.

Can I plant flowers in cinder blocks? ›

Use Cinder Blocks To Plant Flowers Inside You can create a whole garden wall using cinder blocks. Arrange them in some creative way and plant some colorful flowers inside them. When the flowers grow you will have the most beautiful and colorful vertical garden in the world.

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